
Development Operations – a set of practices that combine software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops).

23 posts

DevOps Toolkit

Discover the essential DevOps toolset for maximum efficiency in software development. Git, Jenkins, Selenium, AWS CodeDeploy, and more in this guide.

Caddy Web Server

Explore Caddy Web Server, a user-friendly alternative to Apache and Nginx. Discover its modern features, ease of use, and how it compares to its strong rivals.

Terraform vs. Ansible

Comparing Terraform and Ansible: Two powerful tools for DevOps with different strengths. Choose Terraform for infrastructure, Ansible for config management.
Terraform Guide

Terraform Guide

Learn how to use Terraform to automate and streamline your infrastructure management processes. Explore advanced features and best practices for success.
aws iam

IAM Guide

In this blog post, we discuss the importance of AWS IAM and how to configure it to manage access to your AWS resources in a secure and cost-effective way.